In both I imagine the path a user follows to complete a task, overcoming obstacles along the way to complete their goal.

While in a game the goal may be to defeat a monster and in an app purchase a concert ticket, in both the process is the same.
Orthovelox wanted a high-quality iPad prototype that could be demonstrated to investors to help secure more funding.

For this project used a high quality, hand-drawn UX kit that would look good without branding together with Adobe XD, because of its best-in-class prototyping.  
This assignment required all the screens of the IOS design to be converted to Android.

To do this I compared Apple’s Human Interface guidelines against Google Material Design, then made changes to ensure the interface was familiar, while retaining as much look and feel of the original design as possible.
ITCU Operator Panel
For Coloreel I created an interface that could be used equally well on the unit’s touchscreen, and from a PC Web Browser.

Users could upload and print designs, check the unit’s status, perform maintenance, and control multiple devices when connected to a multi-head embroidery machine.
Coloreel Studio is a PC application created for digitizers, which allows them to add color to embroidery designs before printing them on the Coloreel unit.

My task was to improved the usability of the existing software, before designing adding new features.
Working as part of a team of Art Directors and Interaction Designers, I adapted the specifications provided by Sensys to create the sitemap and wireframes for a new tool for configuring their new generation of Speed Cameras.
Orthovelox wanted a high-quality iPad prototype that could be demonstrated to investors to help secure more funding.

For this project used a high quality, hand-drawn UX kit that would look good without branding together with Adobe XD, because of its best-in-class prototyping.
This assignment required all the screens of the IOS design to be converted to Android.

To do this I compared Apple’s Human Interface guidelines against Google Material Design, then made changes to ensure the interface was familiar, while trying retaining the look and feel of the original design.
The Operator Panel is the interface used to control the Coloreel unit, which can be done using the units’ touchscreen or PC web browser.

Users can upload and print designs, check the unit’s status, perform maintenance, and control multiple devices when connected to a multi-head embroidery machine.
Coloreel Studio
Coloreel Studio is a PC application created for digitizers, which allows them to add color to embroidery designs before printing them on the Coloreel unit.

My task was to improved the usability of the existing software, before designing adding new features.
Sensys Gatso
Working as part of a team of Art Directors and Interaction Designers, I adapted the specifications provided by Sensys to create the sitemap and wireframes for a new tool for configuring their new generation of Speed Cameras.